Author: VA Womens Health

Treatment Options for Heavy Bleeding

Heavy BleedingThere is actually a name for this type of condition. It is called Menorrhagia. There can be fluctuations in the amount of bleeding from one woman to the next, but for some women the bleeding and cramping would be enough to cause an interruption in their lives each month. If you do, in fact, have Menorrhagia, then there are a number of different causes as well as different treatments depending on the cause. You will need to speak to your doctor about your concerns in order to reach a diagnosis.

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Welcome Dr.Zaret!

Zoe Zaret MDWe are excited to welcome Dr. Zaret to our practice! Dr.Zaret has extensive experience and rigorous training in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. She earned her undergraduate degree and M.D. at New York University. She completed her residency in OB/GYN in the rigorous Uniformed Services program at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC and The National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. We are delighted to have her as a part of our team! To learn more about Dr.Zaret, click here

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas!

Mother's Day gifts Looking for something special to celebrate everything your mom has done for you? These great gift ideas are both useful and thoughtful!

1. Buy a Spa Gift Card

What better way to show mom you appreciate her than by giving her a relaxing day at the spa? Add a little extra to the gift by attending the spa day with her, making it the perfect gift for a mom and daughter. Continue reading “Mother’s Day Gift Ideas!”

Surviving Hot Flashes

Coping with the menopauseMenopause does come with some benefits, including the freedom of not having to deal with menstruation once a month. However, it also causes negative symptoms; the most common of which being hot flashes. Hot flashes are a hormonal condition that causes women to feel overwhelming heat in their face, neck and chest. These simple remedies can help you find relief from hot flashes.

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Reasons to Look Forward to Menopause

Middle Aged Woman Reading Magazine Over BreakfastMost people associate menopause with hot flashes and getting older. However, women may be surprised about the positive changes menopause can bring to your life.

1. No More PMS

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, PMS can cause a range of physical and emotional issues for at least 85 percent of menstruating women. Though the beginning of menopause can cause some hormonal issues, it can also provide relief from food cravings, irritability and exhaustion.

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