You may have questions about the recent FDA warning about several techniques to treat vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. Please consider the information below.
The FDA warning about vaginal laser therapy failed to clearly distinguish between procedures that are done primarily for cosmetic reasons, and potentially beneficial treatments for women with genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
Please click the link below to find an excellent and very balanced discussion from the Harvard Health Newsletter Harvard Health Blog about the recent FDA warning on vaginal laser procedures. This article was written by Hope Ricciotti, M.D., Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Watch.
Read Hope Ricciotti, M.D.’s Blog About Vaginal Laser Procedures
When is MonaLisa Touch Recommended?
Virginia Women’s Health Associates uses the Mona Lisa Laser only for the FDA approved conditions of genitourinary symptoms of menopause (GSM) including vulvovaginal atrophy of menopause with its accompanying painful intercourse. There are several prescription treatments for this condition but most involve some use of hormonal medication. Many women prefer a non-hormonal treatment and many have found those treatments do not help sufficiently.
What is “Off-Label” Vaginal Laser Therapy?
Virginia Women’s Health Associates does not use it for “off-label” vaginal laser therapy, which typically applies to surgical and off label use of laser and radio-frequency procedures that alter the size or shape of the vagina or labia or recreate the hymeneal ring. The goals of these procedures are primarily cosmetic changes; these are elective procedures without a clearly defined medical purpose. Please schedule an appointment with Virginia Women’s Health Associates to discuss your symptoms.