Author: VA Womens Health

How Annual Well-Woman Exams Help You Live Better And Longer

We’ve all been there. We know it’s time for our annual gynecology appointment, but we feel just fine. We have no issues, our period is right on time and seems normal. No complaints, so why take the time to go through another doctor appointment? Let’s explore the serious reasons of how annual well-woman exams help you live better and longer.

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Am I a Candidate for Myomectomy for Fibroids?

Am I a candidate for myomectomy for fibroids? The answer depends on several factors. If you have symptomatic fibroids, meaning painful periods and heavy bleeding, you could be a candidate for myomectomy. If you want to have children in the future, myomectomy may be the procedure to relieve your fibroid symptoms and still keep your uterus. Keep reading to find out about the types of myomectomy and which might be best for you.

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Does Having A Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Fibroids?

Women of reproductive age who suffer from the symptoms of fibroids know how it negatively affects their lives. They are looking for anything to reduce the pain and other unfortunate circumstances that come with having fibroids. Scientists have been looking at links between Vitamin D and fibroids and discovering some interesting results. Does having a vitamin D deficiency cause fibroids?

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What To Expect When Changing Birth Control Methods

Every prescription medication we take has side effects, and some of those side effects can be unpleasant. The same goes for birth control. If you find your current birth control pills are causing troublesome side effects, you can talk to Virginia Women’s Health about changing methods. Here’s what to expect when changing birth control methods.

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