Author: VA Womens Health

How To Perform A Monthly Breast Exam

A monthly breast self-exam is another tool women have in conjunction with annual mammograms to find cancers early and improve survival rates. You use your hands and eyes to detect any changes in the look and feel of your breasts. Not a replacement for annual mammograms, it is still valuable to be familiar with the normal consistencies of your breast. When cancer is detected early, the chances of survival are much improved. Let us go through how to perform a monthly breast exam.

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How Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Relieve Vaginal Dryness?

Aging, menopause, and multiple pregnancies can increase the occurrence of vaginal dryness as well as cause infections. Women who suffer with these conditions find themselves looking for relief. If you have tried multiple creams, ointments and other treatments, you may be ready to learn more about vaginal rejuvenation to relieve vaginal dryness.

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When Should A Woman Consider Vaginal Rejuvenation

hen should a woman consider vaginal rejuvenation? Of course, this is determined by each individual woman, but if you feel as though your vaginal muscles have become too relaxed to fully enjoy sexual intercourse, vaginal rejuvenation can help. Let’s look at both functional and aesthetic reasons for having a vaginal rejuvenation.

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